One Day at a Time
I'm a strange combination of exhuasted and elated. I think I'll call it, 'exhelated'.
Writing a book is, of course, a lot of work. That shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, least of all me, since this is the twelfth-ish time I've done it, and the third time I've prepped for publication. But it does surprise me. I forget, because what I love, what pushes the blood in my veins, is the obsession with my stories. They are my beating heart, my living soul. I feel them around me, every bit as much as the tangible world.
So, exhelated for the future, I push toward the finish line of book 3. The foundation I've laid is beginning to pull together, sometimes in new and surprising ways, and as I get that little rush when a connection is made, my fingers can't keep up with the words pouring out of me. And, while that is happening, I continue to scratch out designs for my cover, sketch character art and dream up my maps.
It's not all creative explosions, either. I'm also scheduling my first real book tour (schedule will be published next month some time). It's thrilling. It's terrifying. It's like the dreams where you realize that you've been running around naked and THAT'S why everyone is staring at you. Except, instead of my body, it's my brain I've bared for the world to see.
So, where can you get book 3? Right now, I have two solid dates for events, the first being October 21st-22nd at DuluCON in Superior, WI. You can check out this awesome convention here. While book 3 won't be available for purchase yet, you WILL be able to preorder. And while I'm still working on the project, there will be some epic perks to preordering with me at DuluCON. I'll do another post with an update on what that will be as soon as I nail down one of my many, many ideas.
And, for my first time ever, I'll be a vendor at Twin Cities Con in Minneapolis. You can check out this convention here. I also saw that Brendan Fraser will be there, so hold my beer and mind my booth, I'll be a minute *begins rigorously flapping a fan.
What was I saying? Oh yes, I'll be at Twin Cities Con November 11th-13th. While I don't have a panel for this one (which I DO for DuluCON, so please come watch me sweat through my Star Fleet uniform), I will be one of the MANY awesome vendors in Artist Alley. I can't oversell this--it's going to be so nerdy and cool. If you're in the cities, it's definitely worth a visit. Or even if you're not anywhere near the cities, I still think you should come. I mean, I am not anywhere near the cities, but here we are. *stares at Brendan Fraser's picture
Anyway, that's all for now. Keep following along for the cover release and, of course, the inevitable mental breakdowns.