
Interview with the Radiant Molly Ovenden

Interview with the Radiant Molly Ovenden
Oh, hello November. Shorter days, frosty air, and the occasional Christmas song on the radio: it must be true, but I'm still not sure where my summ...

DuluCon 2021

DuluCon 2021
I’m also excited to announce that I will be attending DuluCon again this year as a vendor and a speaker, so if you are in Duluth October 22nd-24th, please swing by the Miller Hill Mall for a book and a chat! 

The Tale of Nym

The Tale of Nym
The Tale of Nym There is little better time for the telling of stories than such, and so as I sit here sipping my brandy and diving into Laurie R. ...

Twin Cities Book Festival

Twin Cities Book Festival

Olympus Signings

Olympus Signings
Signings and Festivals and COSPLAY, OH MY!

The Wait

The Wait
143.1 LBS babies are no joke.


There’s a new member to the Firebird Family—and she’s sexy as all hell.

Asp 5.8.19-5.14.19

Asp 5.8.19-5.14.19
The Ilyn were a race of tree people, thin of face and hollow of bone.

The End of the World 5.1.19-5.7.19

The End of the World 5.1.19-5.7.19
Fair warning: this is not a happy blog. Politics await. Proceed at your own risk.

Sunshine and Tacos 4.24.19-4.30.19

Sunshine and Tacos 4.24.19-4.30.19
I have a dictionary journal, and its pages are memories.

Books with Teeth 4.17.19-4.23.19

Books with Teeth 4.17.19-4.23.19
I haven’t seen Endgame and I will hurt anyone who spoils it.

Dragons 4.10.19-4.16.19

Dragons 4.10.19-4.16.19
My interest is about 5%. The other 95% just wants to talk about Game of Thrones. This can be applied to literally every conversation I’ve had in the past four years.